WordPress 2.0.1 and contrast of cultures.

Just noticed in the WordPress dashboard that 2.0.1 is out. You may want to get it, if you use WordPress. According to their page, they have closed 114 bugs since version 2.0.
While in the UK these past two days, I spent some time watching the BBC while working at the computer. With the window in the background, at some point I noticed that during the documentary that was on at the time, the brand of the computer used by one of the interviewees in the documentary was blurred. Nope, it wasn’t some digital artifact of DTT, and it certainly wasn’t a dirty lens on that camera. BBC blurred the brand, on purpose.

BBC blurring the brand of a laptop at a documentary.Strange. At a time when sponsorship of everything and anything has reached unprecedented levels in U.S. movies, TV and, now, even Hellenic TV programmes including TV News, where at least 60% of the end-titles are a comprehensive list of where each anchorman (and woman) gets everything from, from underwear to pens and computers, the BBC refuses to give in and display the brand of an interviewee’s laptop at a documentary. Certainly extreme, but it kind of balances it all.
[Image © British Broadcasting Corporation. Used under the ‘fair use’ doctrine.]