Year 2006

Come on Stevey. Use some decent components, already!

As with the PowerMac G4 MDD (aka 'Leafblower'), the Powermac G5, the iBook G4 with the faulty motherboards, the Powerbook 'Alu' G4 15" Rev.A with the faulty screens, the last Powerbook G4 'Alu' 15" (discontinued today) having audio, screen, and other hardware issues as well as many other models I won't mention, the Macbook Pro seems to have its fair share of issues in its first revision. It's also getting hot, as many people report.

Canon's replacement for the EOS 20D is coming.

It seems, the brand new Canon EOS 35D, is coming on the 21st of February. Rumours have it that there's a new auto-sensor cleaning function (no more blower/pecpads/eclipse dust removal chores). [Update: The camera is actually named 30D and it seems like a very minor upgrade to the 20D.]

America's pushy on GM.

Will Europe budge? "The State Department tries to twist arms through rather undiplomatic letters of protest, like the one it sent to Nicosia in July when new EU member Cyprus proposed to put GM food on separate shelves at grocery stores."

Bad! Yahoo!, shoo Google.

"Your abhorrent activities in China are a disgrace. I simply do not understand how your corporate leadership sleeps at night."

How-to: Μiniposts στο WordPress 2.0

Επειδή από καιρό με έχουν ρωτήσει μερικά άτομα (και κυρίως o Κωστής) πως γίνεται, και καθώς τελείωσα τις σχετικές μετατροπές στο δικό μου μπλόγκ, αποφάσισα να γράψω έναν μικρό οδηγό ώστε όποιος ενδιαφέρεται να καθήσει να προσθέσει υποστήριξη και αυτός στο δικό του. Οι περισσότερες πληροφορίες που παραθέτω υπάρχουν κατα κανόνα ήδη διαθέσιμες, στο διαδίκτυο.

Waiting for Xgl

David Reveman of Novell, recently posted this video online. Ah, another six months I guess until this becomes commonplace. If only it were accompanied by the necessary usability and aesthetics revamp..

Intelligent Design: Εκλογικεύοντας τη πίστη.

Ήθελα από καιρό να πιάσω το θέμα του ‘ευφυούς σχεδιασμού’ (Intelligent Design), αρκετά πριν τα περι λογοκρισίας στη ΝΑΣΑ. Ο Κωστής γράφει σχετικά με ένα χθεσινό άρθρο στο Ars Technica πάνω στο πρόσφατο ζήτημα λογοκρισίας στη ΝΑΣΑ και έτσι μου δίνει την αφορμή να γράψω κάποιες δικές μου σχετικές σκέψεις.

Say hello to mini posts!

I split the Wordpress loop into two, added a small plugin to manage the categories, and some CSS and voila: Miniposts, aka inline asides, linkblog, etc. Miniposts provide a streamlined way to post links or short pieces of info, without taking up space or messing up the semantics by slamming many topics onto one post. Typically the title will point to an interesting destination and the text will comment on it. Today, we're just pointing back home.

Μόναχο και Match Point.

Πρόσφατα είδα το Μόναχο, του Spielberg, και το Match Point του Άλλεν. Ιδού λοιπόν η άποψη μου και για τα δύο.

Internet ramblings, revisited.

I have written about my opinion on the role of internet service providers and their network providers. With everyone having a blog in Europe concerned with the Jyllands-Posten crisis, I’ll beg to differ, refrain from providing a fragmented opinion piece (covering this issue in one weblog entry, or five for that matter, is not really […]