Year 2011

Google Art Project

Amazing work by Google, I hope it expands to other great museums all over the globe.

Fingers & Maschine = Groovy.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I would've never have believed this came from a human messing with a pad. What you can't see from this video is the volume pedal that Haynes typically uses, which takes dynamics to another level, nevertheless this is insanely good.

What about {Angle,Diamond} gradients?

In this draft CSS3 spec, preliminary support for gradients is defined. Where are diamond and angle gradients? They may not be used as much as the others, but I find it weird that they are not added to a newly spec'd standard, given that it's not that hard to implement them.

Τέλος Εποχής για το VoIP στην HOL.

Λίγο πριν τους Ολυμπιακούς της Αθήνας, με το ADSL να γράφει μόνον έναν χρόνο ζωής στην χώρα μας, η Hellas On Line έκανε το αδιανόητο: πρόσφερε, μέσω του προγράμματος evoice, την δυνατότητα απόκτησης αριθμού αθηνών (213xxxxxxx) χωρίς πάγιο τέλος, βασισμένο σε SIP και με ιδιαίτερα ανταγωνιστικές χρεώσεις για αστικούς και υπεραστικούς προορισμούς. Γνώρισα την υπηρεσία […]

Inconsolata Hellenic!

Update: Please check the Software page often as the font has been getting some work after this post was made. Make sure you use the latest version before reporting an issue. Four years ago I stumbled upon Raph Levien’s excellent font, Inconsolata. It was great, not just because I loved its æsthetics, but also because […]

The Dream Machine

An online adventure, graphics made from clay and cardboard. Two guys, two years in the making. Amazing æsthetics, seemingly a great story. Play the first chapter for free, and buy the game for around €14. It's worth it.

Oh the horror (pun intended)

Or "How Google seems to have lost its way with search as of late", from one of the founders of StackOverflow and Co.