Category Computing

Fools, OK.

"Get this web site off my home page!!!!!", or how to publicly say "I am a complete moron".


Ever since I moved to Mac OS X from linux as my main desktop platform a bit more than 4 years ago, I found the shortage of a decent (let alone good) dev. editor frustrating.


To everyone appreciating virtuoso electric guitar. Maybe you've heard of/seen this site before. If so, you may want to 'refresh' your memory with Mr. Fastfinger's licks. If not, it's definitely worth visiting!

Ip2Nation Improved.

It’s a bank holiday here in Hellas and I decided to take some time off work. Being bored with ‘important’ stuff, I added a graphical country identifier to comments. It’s mostly an aesthetic addition, but might also prove useful in other ways. The information comes from comparing the commenter’s IP address (the address of his/her […]


Many years ago (well, about 5) I came across MURL. Back then I was finishing my M.Eng and I was contemplating whether I should start a Ph.D or join the industry, the usual questions any 21 year-old in my position would have.

New Intel Mac minis are cool.

And they'd be perfect without that damned 'Intel GMA950 graphics processor', or 'How Apple makes Intel happy by using their crappy graphics chips on Macs'. Sad thing is: They can and will get away with it.

Come on Stevey. Use some decent components, already!

As with the PowerMac G4 MDD (aka 'Leafblower'), the Powermac G5, the iBook G4 with the faulty motherboards, the Powerbook 'Alu' G4 15" Rev.A with the faulty screens, the last Powerbook G4 'Alu' 15" (discontinued today) having audio, screen, and other hardware issues as well as many other models I won't mention, the Macbook Pro seems to have its fair share of issues in its first revision. It's also getting hot, as many people report.

How-to: Μiniposts στο WordPress 2.0

Επειδή από καιρό με έχουν ρωτήσει μερικά άτομα (και κυρίως o Κωστής) πως γίνεται, και καθώς τελείωσα τις σχετικές μετατροπές στο δικό μου μπλόγκ, αποφάσισα να γράψω έναν μικρό οδηγό ώστε όποιος ενδιαφέρεται να καθήσει να προσθέσει υποστήριξη και αυτός στο δικό του. Οι περισσότερες πληροφορίες που παραθέτω υπάρχουν κατα κανόνα ήδη διαθέσιμες, στο διαδίκτυο.

Waiting for Xgl

David Reveman of Novell, recently posted this video online. Ah, another six months I guess until this becomes commonplace. If only it were accompanied by the necessary usability and aesthetics revamp..