Google Wave Developer Sandbox

I’ve been granted access to Google Wave for a bit less than a day now, and from my limited time with it I can say the following: It feels much more like an application than a web page. This is contrary to most other ‘apps’ by Google, including Google Docs, Maps, GMail, Reader etc. where […]

About the same, or even faster

John Gruber writes about hardware (i.e. physical) keyboards on mobile phones. I mostly agree with him on this one: they are, for the most part, useless and the iPhone is --- at least --- not hurt (in my view much better off) without one. There are, of course, some distinct advantages to having any form of physical controls on a device, including using the device without looking at it, but there are several drawbacks too, while at the same time the numerous advantages to having an on-screen 'virtual' keyboard more than make up for the lack of a physical one, both for design and usability reasons. In the end it's probably a personal preference thing, but I for one have been waiting for an all-screen, no-keyboard device like the iPhone for years and I'm sure happy it's here the way it is. Oh and by the way, I probably type faster (and more accurately) on my iPhone than I would ever type on a BlackBerry device or Pré with their miniature keys that seem designed for children and the relatively tacky feel; it took less than a few days after getting my iPhone to getting used to the auto-correction system and a few more days before my typing performance stabilised to an acceptable level for dealing with emailing etc. Finally, the auto-correction on the iPhone seems to work admirably well with Greek too [for those eager to remind everyone that Apple has a parochial mindset; it does, but it doesn't apply here].

Γιού Τέρν.

Μια φορά και έναν καιρό… Πριν από λίγο καιρό στο podcast που κάνουμε σε ημι-σταθερή βάση με τον Παναγιώτη, τον Γιώργο, τον Αστέρη τον Δημήτρη και εκλεκτούς προσκεκλημένους, μιλούσαμε για mobile internet. Από τη συζήτηση δε θα μπορούσε βέβαια να λείπει το iPhone, μια συσκευή που ανεξάρτητα από τα δικά της πλεονεκτήματα έφερε σημαντική ώθηση […]

Naïve Brilliance

If anything can be said in retrospect about Robert McNamara is not that he was hawkish, evil, corrupt or duplicitous, but that despite his sophistication, the statistical prowess and scientific rigour that he showed in his work, his all-around intellectual capacity (or perhaps, in a way just because of all these) he exemplified the naïve brilliance that often accompanies highly intelligent people that fail to take that macroscopic view and consider where they place their focus and energy and why they do so. His 2003 'apology' film, the Errol Morris documentary 'The Fog Of War', as well as his 1995 'In Retrospect' book, both indicate that wisdom came late to McNamara; a clear and very welcome difference, nevertheless, to most of his contemporaries.

Does Parliament Control the Government or Do The Whips Control MPs?

Ίσως η πιο σημαντική, η πιο καίρια ερώτηση που μπορεί να κάνει κανείς σε μια δημοκρατία. Η απάντηση, του Βρετανού σοσιαλιστή του ‘παλαιού’ Labour, Tony Benn, προφανώς αφορά τη Βρετανία, μια χώρα γεμάτη πολιτικές αντιθέσεις που όμως χωρίς αμφιβολία έχει ένα σαφώς δημοκρατικότερο σύστημα από αυτό της Ελλάδος. Αναφέρεται στο κομματικό μαστίγιο [whip], την δική […]