Μάθημα Αντι-διαφθοράς.

Το BBC γράφει για 'μαθήματα ενάντια στη διαφθορά' στην Ινδονησία. Μπορεί στην Ελλάδα να μην έχουμε τόσο μεγάλο πρόβλημα, όμως η διαφθορά παραμένει τεράστιο κοινωνικό, πολιτκό αλλά και οικονομικό ζήτημα. Ίσως τα 'μαθήματα διαφθοράς' στο σχολέιο να αποτελούσαν εφόδιο για τους νεώτερους ώστε να ξεφύγουν από την 'παράδοση' των γηραιότερων.

TED2009 — Part II

The second day of TED2009 was somewhat more interesting. Oliver Sacks, probably most known (if at all) by the masses for his book Awakenings, upon which the synonymous movie was based. His presentation kickstarted the day focusing on syndromes that affect people with limited vision. One symptom is the creation or fusion of vision with […]

TED2009 — Part I

This year I watched, along with a few friends and acquaintances of mine, TED 2009 over the ‘net. The experience was — overall — positive, although there were quite a few surprises (more on that later). In this post I’ll summarise some of the talks that made an impression (negative or positive) to me. I’m […]

Objectified (2009)

Having seen Helvetica, I can't wait for Objectified to come out in a few months time. If you're one of those enjoying (industrial) design, appreciating usability, but demanding æsthetics, this movie is probably for you too. Sadly, I doubt it's going to be in any cinemas in Hellas, given that there aren't any arthouse movie theatres around here, really.

An ISP is not a court.

The saga continues, with the music industry attempting to subvert the law in Europe and turn ISPs into policy enforcers and courts of law all at once. With ever higher profits in 2008, and a pretty grim record of accusing and prosecuting the elderly, single mothers with no computers etc. in the States, it seems like the music industry would rather hand the dirty job over to ISPs. This is, besides illegal, pretty prone to error --- as history has shown. I'm really looking forward to the next settlement Eircom will reach, this time with wrongly-accused (and disconnected) individuals. Hopefully it'll be more than enough to compensate for their stupidity.

A Dotted-Zero Droid Sans Mono

For the programmers out there. Now that the controversy regarding the licence of the Droid font family included in Android is over --- and it's clear that the fonts are licensed under the Apache licence --- I am releasing a dotted version of the Droid Sans Mono, monospaced font that I am using for development (usually its either that or Liberation Mono nowadays). I prefer the dotted zero to a slashed zero in most monospaced fonts. More information can be found in the software page. I used FontForge to edit the font, so --- since some of the hinting instructions are not supported by this application --- I've scraped them and used the built-in autohinter. If you wish to use the modified font, they are --- of course --- also provided under the Apache licence, like the original. As always, your comments are very welcome.