Boxee Invites.

One of the most promising open-source projects regarding the home-theatre/TV (at last!) that combines excellent æsthetics, killer media features and social networking is Boxee. Boxee is based on the XBMC project. Note that while this is alpha quality software, it's impressively stable, yet unsupported. Boxee is currently available for the AppleTV/Mac OS X, Ubuntu Linux 32bit - 7.10 and 8.04 only at the moment - and in source code form. I've got some invites for the invite-only alpha testing phase, so if you're interested drop me a comment below and I'll send you one. Update: No more invites here, comments are now closed. I'm sure you can find some elsewhere pretty easily.

At this point the megapixel race should probably stop

One thing that bothers me with professional photographers, is that often they are completely clueless about the physics and technology aspects behind their gear --- they typically possess a very superficial understanding of it all, defined solely by the tech. slang of the trade, enthusiastic peers and the press. Much like a new linux user learning how to pay a visit to a web forum, mailing-list or irc channel and thinking he or she has become linux masters. Along those lines is the now so common megapixel myth: that higher pixel count automatically translates to better pixels. The 50D review, and indeed the camera itself, provide a pretty compelling demonstration of why, even with the best lenses out there, a very high pixel count can suddenly make 'optical resolution' a much more familiar term to all those that seem to focus only on the electronics; if the top lenses, beasts costing thousands and weighing kilos, are barely sufficient to provide adequate pixel detail at 15MP and an APS-C sensor, you can easily imagine how bad so many compacts sporting 10 or 12MP may very well be with their subpar, mediocre lenses. If anything, the review demonstrates that the 50D probably represents the last of a series of cameras that came before it; for in the future Canon is most certainly going to shift its focus to other areas of the camera besides pixel count; features that are hopefully going to make its successor a much better camera overall.

Breaking The Law…

…or how ‘Le Sénat français a décidé de violer la législation europeénne’. Sarkozy’s authoritarianism seems to be behind this. Yet it puzzles me how violating EU legislation can be so easily accepted by the Senate: « 1° La suspension de l’accès au service pour une durée de trois mois à un an assortie de l’impossibilité, […]

'Sparse' in all ways.

Yep, the iPhone SDK does not support dynamically linked libraries. And that’s truly fantastic news for all iPhone developers wishing to leverage existing code out there. You can, of course, use a statically linked library in your code, or — if you have the code for the third-party libraries you’re going to be using — […]

I can say it's a good start

And that's about all it is. Mediocre now, but promising. Lacking in features, but open. A relatively dated foundation in some respects, but one that's accessible to everyone. Android may not be what people expected; it's nowhere near being an iPhone killer and the software experience could definitely use some polish --- it's without a doubt firmly in the 1990s. But Android innovates too; if not just because it's open, because it is full of extremely innovative concepts --- concepts that can primarily happen in an open environment. Take for example 'intents'. In the end, I'm sure the G1 is going to be 'ok'. Nothing special. But it wasn't meant to be. It's a 1.0, by a company that has no experience in that sort of thing, but at the same time has most of the mindshare.

Το Σεντούκι των Δηλώσεων

Το Google επέκτεινε το ευρετήριο δηλώσεων από τις ειδήσεις σε 5 έτη, επιτρέπωντας έτσι στον καθένα να εξερευνήσει τα όσα είπαν πολιτικοί, αστέρες του κινηματογράφου και της μουσικής, προσωπικότητες της τέχνης και επιχειρηματίες τα τελευταία πέντε χρόνια. Το περσυνό καλοκαίρι ο Γιώργος πέταξε στο τραπέζι την ιδέα του Ίσως η ανάπτυξη ενός παρόμοιου ευρετηρίου για την Ελλάδα (ή η χρήση του ευρετηρίου του Google --- εαν αυτό κάποτε καταστεί δυνατό) θα βοηθούσε στον έλεγχο των δηλώσεων και μείωση του θορύβου στα όσα λέγονται και γράφωνται και -- ίσως -- στο μέλλον αποτελούσε παράγοντα αύξησης της ποιότητας των δηλώσεων δημόσιων προσώπων. Αν μη τι άλλο, θεωρώ πως ένα τέτοιο 'εργαλείο' θα αποτελούσε ένα (σημαντικό) βήμα προς την υλοποίηση ενός οργανικού factcheck ιστοτόπου για τα ελληνικά δεδομένα.