A Facebook Survey

I'm sure not too many within the Facebook userbase share my disdain for closed, proprietary networks yet it is not surprising that a significant number of erstwhile facebook fanatics are getting tired of the same old pointless application craze that more or less defined the latter part of 2007 for the network. On the other hand, with OpenSocial having not made any substantial steps towards a concrete presence on the internet and Yahoo's efforts having completely failed in terms of public adoption and awareness, Facebook remains the one, more or less universal social networking platform and by and large the one with the vast majority of third party applications and meaningful population profiles. I have written about my personal use of the network before: to me it's merely a universal 'phonebook' where I can find old schoolmates, long lost friends from university or other activities and friends of friends that I never got the chance to get to know well enough, but that were somewhat interesting to merit a basic level of communication. I don't use any of its facilities, not even the basic stuff like messaging (what's the point? email is much better). It is, in my eyes, merely a directory of people, not a platform for communication. Yet others have used it in considerably different ways: from meeting new people, to 'wasting' time using pointless applications, to showcasing their photographs or communicating. The University of Bath has a short survey regarding the use of Facebook. The survey is available in several languages and can be found here. It will probably take less than 5 minutes of your time. Τhe results of this survey are going to be published online after the survey and accompanying analysis are completed.

A week with the OLPC XO-1

I’ve been interested in the OLPC project ever since it started in early 2005. For one it represents a great humanitarian effort that — in theory — promises to bridge the gap between the technologically advanced US and Europe and the under-developed or developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In late 2006 I […]

Wiki για το Ασφαλιστικό

Μια ενδιαφέρουσα προσπάθεια από τον Γιώργο που εκμεταλλεύεται το διαδίκτυο για να δημιουργήσει έναν τόπο συγκέντρωσης πληροφοριών σχετικά με το ολοένα σημαντικότερο θέμα του Ασφαλιστικού στη χώρα μας. Το wiki έχει ήδη εμπλουτισθεί με πλήθος συνδέσμων, κειμένων και βιβλιογραφίας και πιστεύω πως το γεγονός πως αφορά ένα τόσο συγκεκριμένο αλλά συνάμα γενικού ενδιαφέροντος θέμα ίσως το καταστήσει, δεδομένης επαρκούς προβολής, μια καλή πηγή πληροφόρησης.

Obama gets a few tips…

Late night advice from a friend (and an Obama supporter) here in Hellas:
Niceness will get you nowhere when you are up against the Orwellian Mrs. Clinton, who, by gaining a last gasp of air in Ohio, thinks she has a mandate; she reminds me of Greece’s PASOK party, who lose an election and manage to convince us that they won it.
It's surprising Obama hasn't resorted to nasty tactics already. Still, I guess some of his appeal lies in just that. Of course he is bound to get 'nasty', given the way these primaries turned out, if he's really going after the nomination. That's part of what politics is about, after all.

DRMless Europe

According to the BBC report, 7digital.com is the first online music retailer to offer Warner music sans DRM in several European states. This is not exactly true: Technically, even though you cannot actually download the tracks, the honour falls onto the popular last.fm service which started offering DRMless music on demand in the US, UK and Germany a few months earlier. Still, this is a great sign of things to come and hopefully the availability of AmazonMP3 in Europe later this year will makes things even better. At the same time, the success of Radiohead's latest release, as well as NIN's Ghosts I-IV that just came out --- and which netted $750K in its first few days through the sale of the $300, 2500-copy vinyl limited edition alone --- are certainly signs of change that seep into what one might call the 'mainstream music' realm.

OMNI: Ghosts

About three months ago and just a few days after posting my review of OMNI’s Paint by Numbers album, I was contacted by the band and asked whether I could write a review of their upcoming Ghosts album. I tried to be as objective as I could in my presentation and criticism, after having listened […]