Steal This Film II

The second part of this community documentary on copyright is out. While biased to some extent in its presentation, it contains several interesting historical facts, a description of the current state of affairs and a presentation of the absurd corporate response to the internet revolution in content exchange, content creation and, effectively the new economic and production model. It is definitely worth watching for anyone interested in the subject of information freedom, copyright and consumer rights. You can find the first part of this documentary on the same site.

Giving Fon a Try for a Year.

Early this past December, about two years after first hearing about it, I decided to give Fon a try. Taking advantage of a holiday offer available to me, I went ahead and ordered my own Fonera and Fontenna from their online store. Although I still have a lot of qualms about most of the security, […]

Copyrighting the Public Domain

An excellent article by 'The Register' on copyrighting some of the great works of art already in the public domain. Sadly, this also applies to music (through recordings of performances, but also 'modern', copyrighted transcriptions etc of older works). Definitely worth reading.

Oscar is gone.

Oscar Peterson, one of the great Jazz pianists of the latter half of the 20th century and a marvellous pianist in general, died today. I was first exposed to his work by listening to Eloquence. My last musical encounter of his work was his 1994 album Side by Side, with Itzhak Perlman, a record full of covers of old american classics, recorded in a few days, without rehearsals and mostly consisting of the first takes. His death is a huge loss to the jazz community and a reminder that his generation, those largely responsible for what jazz is all about, is gradually passing away.

HRDL 1.06

HRDLYikes. Τα παιδία παίζει. Μόνον λίγες ημέρες μετά τη τελευταία τροποποίηση ο ΟΤΕ άλλαξε --- για μια ακόμη φορά --- τις σελίδες του αναγκάζοντας με να τροποποιήσω και πάλι το widget. Ορίστε η έκδοση 1.06. Φαίνεται να δουλεύει σωστά. Προς το παρόν. Την κατεβάζετε από το γνωστό μέρος.


Earlier this month I wrote about eyeBeam on the Mac. Besides that it truly sucks --- it's probably the worst money I've ever spent on software, I am now convinced that this is the least courteous, customer-centric company I've had any dealing with in my life. A visit to their support forum quickly shows how their representative, Mr. Derek Jacobs, responds to customer feedback, problem reports and requests. Mr Jacobs is perhaps the worst customer liaison on a corporate forum, hotline or other form of communication I've come across. He is discourteous, arrogant, ignorant as to the company's products deficiencies, overzealous in his moderation of seemingly inappropriate posts and --- last but not least --- refusing to actually read, comprehend, convey and report on customer posts and the respective development effort. I am curious whether the company's apparent engineering and customer support deficiency is the result of Mr. Jacobs' inability to effectively liaise between customers and engineering, or whether the whole company is bent on pissing people off with subpar products and poor customer support. In any case, it is a shame CounterPath is probably the largest SIP softphone developer globally and the available options in this market are extremely limited. Despite this, my recommendation, whatever your needs may be, is to stay well clear of their products. Such companies are not worthy of your custom. Update: Hours after posting this I was contacted by CounterPath and was offered assistance with their products. I am happy to see that at least they are willing to make an effort --- albeit an insufficient one --- to engage with their customers' problems. Hopefully it will be followed by a respective update of the company's currently dysfunctional products.