So, where's the Fibre?

In 1994 one of the buzzwords you were bound to hear if you were even remotely interested in technology was the “Information Superhighway”. Of course, as a quasi-technical-turned-social term, it had a multi-level meaning, depending on who you were talking to. Laypeople would immediately infer a superfast, all-encompassing, ubiquitous network infrastructure that would allow them […]

South Europeans lag in EU development aid

Και η Ελλάδα, στο τέλος της κατάταξης. Αλήθεια γιατί δεν το έχουν πάρει χαμπάρι οι Ευρωπαίοι εταίροι μας; Μετά από 150 έτη διαρκών δανεισμών, επιδοτήσεων και οικονομικών ενισχύσεων, 26 έτη ως μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και 'παραδοσιακό' πλέον μέλος της 'Δύσης' έχουμε μετατραπεί στους μεγαλύτερους χαραμοφάηδες του κόσμου. Θλιβερό.

Two-finger scrolling For The Rest of Us

This is iScroll2, a modified ADB trackpad driver (based on the Darwin sources) that adds two-finger scrolling capability to those of us with older {i,Power}Books. Good stuff.

A New Era.

Just a few hours ago, Apple and EMI announced the availability of DRM-free, high bitrate tracks on Apples iTunes Store. One thing is certain: Today’s announcement is an important milestone for the media industries, but it also sets a precedent as the first major offering that disentangles technical restrictions of media and consumer rights. This […]

Νεα Ελληνική Apple IMC ο 'Γερμανός';

Σύμφωνα με σημερινό άρθρο στο Macscoop η εταιρία "Γερμανός" φέρεται να είναι η μελλοντική διανομέας/αντιπρόσωπος της Apple Inc. στη χώρα μας μέσα στο 2007. Εφ'όσον η αναφορά του Macscoop αληθεύει (κάτι διόλου βέβαιο), το βασικό μου ερώτημα είναι: θα γίνει ο Γερμανός η νεα ελληνική IMC, κρατώντας στα χέρια του ολόκληρη την αγορά και επιβάλλωντας που, πως και πότε θα πωλούνται οι Mac, τα iPhones, τα iPods κλπ. ή θα υπάρξει --- επιτέλους --- επίσημη παρουσία της ίδιας της εταιρίας (βλ. Apple Hellas) και ο Γερμανός θα αποτελεί απλώς βασικό διανομέα; Δυστυχώς, μάλλον το πρώτο..

Surflinks Redux.

It's been about two months since I started providing sidebar links (and an Atom 1.0 feed) to interesting pages I found while surfing, in a section I called 'Surflinks'. I did this for two reasons: 1. to avoid cluttering the blog (and main feed) with numerous miniposts that did not necessarily merit accompanying text or comment, and 2. to still have a way to provide numerous links for those that care. I think some of you --- clearly --- liked it as I've had enough (non bot) hits on the feed. The problem was that I was only informed a few days ago that the plug-in I was using to process the feed was not functioning properly anymore and that the links did not point anywhere. This is now fixed. Apologies to any of you who had trouble accessing the linked pages from the sidfebar or SL feed.