Search Results for VoIP

Τέλος Εποχής για το VoIP στην HOL.

Λίγο πριν τους Ολυμπιακούς της Αθήνας, με το ADSL να γράφει μόνον έναν χρόνο ζωής στην χώρα μας, η Hellas On Line έκανε το αδιανόητο: πρόσφερε, μέσω του προγράμματος evoice, την δυνατότητα απόκτησης αριθμού αθηνών (213xxxxxxx) χωρίς πάγιο τέλος, βασισμένο σε SIP και με ιδιαίτερα ανταγωνιστικές χρεώσεις για αστικούς και υπεραστικούς προορισμούς. Γνώρισα την υπηρεσία […]

Ζήτημα αξιοπιστίας

Ένα από τα μεγάλα προβλήματα στο ελληνικό επιχειρείν είναι αυτό της αξιοπιστίας. Συχνά, κατηγορούμαστε, ως λαός, πως αποφεύγουμε το ρίσκο, πως είμαστε καχύποπτοι και συντηρητικοί στις ενέργειες, τα πλάνα, την γενικότερη δραστηριότητά μας. Και σε έναν μεγάλο βαθμό είναι αλήθεια. Υπάρχουν όμως και αρκετοί λόγοι που συμβαίνει αυτό: η ελληνική πραγματικότητα είναι γεμάτη από περιπτώσεις […]

Using OTE's 11888 to provide fast CLID data for FreePBX/Asterisk

For those using FreePBX (a configuration/administrative interface that manages Asterisk) there is a CallerID Lookup module, published by the FreePBX team. The module allows you to interface with data sources using several methods, one of them being http. Like many companies, we maintain several systems that can be easily integrated with our VoIP PBX system, […]

Data Only LLU ADSL από τη Forthnet

Η Forthnet ξεκίνησε τη παροχή ενός LLU πακέτου με μόνον απεριόριστη ADSL πρόσβαση στο διαδίκτυο (διατίθεται και τηλεφωνική γραμμή αλλά χωρίς πάγιο. Οι κλήσεις κοστίζουν.), ονόματι Forthnet ADSL Economy. Αν μετακόμιζα και έπαιρνα νεα γραμμή, εφ'όσον είχα εξασφαλίσει πως θα είχα σταθερό κύκλωμα ADSL*, μάλλον θα το επέλεγα, δεδομένου του ότι κάνω το 99% των κλήσεων μου μέσω VoIP ή/και κινητού. Ενδιαφέρον. * Σε πάρα πολλές περιπτώσεις τα κυκλώματα ADSL είναι αρκετά ασταθή λόγω α. απόστασης από το DSLAM, β. κακής καλωδίωσης εντός κτηρίου ή/και του ΟΤΕ και (δυστυχώς) γ. κακών ρυθμίσεων των DSLAM από τους παροχείς. Εαν κάποιος σκοπεύει να χρησιμοποιήσει μια γραμμή ADSL για VoIP τηλεφωνία είναι απαραίτητη η εξασφάλιση μιας σταθερής γραμμής πριν την επιλογή ενός data-only πακέτου.

Comcast. Greedy. Liars. [Updated]

After consistently denying it for months, Comcast just admitted they were throtlling a number of protocols since 2007. After FCC ordered them to abandon the practice in early August, they admitted to throttling traffic using a Sandvine Policy Traffic Switch 8210. The company stated they are going to change the way they manage their network by 2009. According to Comcast spokewoman Sena Fitzmaurice "The new technique does not manage congestion based on the protocol or application a consumer uses. This new technique will ensure that all customers get their fair share of bandwidth every hour of the day". In my view they are lying and greedy and if FCC was doing its job right they should have been fined considerably high for others not to imitate them. Their admission comes almost 45 days after the FCC ruling and proves how much regulation is required to keep greedy businesses in line. Regarding their upcoming 'network management' policy, I'm somewhat puzzled. In particular, I'm not quite sure how they'll ensure a fair share of bandwidth without selective throttling (or any other classification technique that would --- again --- violate the Net Neutrality rules), unless they radically change their offering to a quota-based range of offerings, place relatively low speed caps on everyone for sustained connections or increase their network bandwidth by an astronomical amount. We'll see. Update: ArsTechnica seems to have the details. Apparently the system is going to be use 'shallow packet inspection' and packet-counting triggers for throttling. It does seem ridiculous and completely unacceptable, given that many legitimate applications actually depend on high packet throughput to function properly (VoIP is a good example here). Of course, without first seeing how this works in practice it's hard to judge it, but either way either the FCC will stomp on them once again or the system is going to function without enough disruption to Comcast's (sad) subscribers.

eyeBeam on the Mac

A Software Nightmare Many of you may have heard of X-Lite, a very common and arguably the most full-featured softphone around. This is a free application that supports SIP telephony and essentially allows you to register to your SIP provider and place calls to other people over your internet connection. X-Lite is developed by CounterPath […]

Gizmo Project Woes Redux

Last month I wrote about my woes with the Gizmo Project, up until then one of my VoIP providers of choice. Days after the post was published I was contacted by one of the company’s engineers/support employee who apologised for the PayPal payment issues the company was facing and wanted to find out more about […]

LinuxMCE and Usability

Some months ago I discovered LinuxMCE, a software suite that sits on top of Kubuntu and provides a complete media centre/smarthome/voip/home security solution with truly world class features. I got to rediscover it in mid September this year after I watched this demonstration video. The project is impressive with its rich feature list, its expandability […]

Gizmo5, and Gizmo Project's Paypal issues.

Just recently Gizmo Project announced its Gizmo5 beta, a service that allows users of mobile phones to place calls for very low rates through a MIDP Gizmo client. A data connection is required just for setting up the call. In other words, the idea is that you pick a contact (or dial the number you […]