Category Software

The SpamMeisters!

It’s now been close to four months since I modified the Akismet plugin to show me the country flag and name for each Spam message received on this blog on the administration pages (using my improved ip2nation database). While it’s been (and was expected to be) a somewhat useless and geeky exercise, it proved that […]

Omnigroup Statistics

Here's a page where you can access the data Omnigroup receives from their Software Update module found in their applications. There's loads of statistics for your viewing pleasure and considering that some of their apps can be found pre-installed in many Macs, well you get the picture. I was impressed to read that Intel has surpassed PowerPC on their customer base in just a few months. Wow!

Sanity Prevails.

I have decided to postpone my purchase of a new Macbook Pro for another 3-4 months. I had a chat about this with several friends these past few days. The reasons? Several actually. Here’s why: As I’ve written before, I really (really!) dislike getting first-revision Mac products. They more often than not have either design […]

Safari rocks!

Or rather will rock (more), once Leopard is released early in 2007. I’ve been using Safari almost exclusively on my Macs for several years. It is a testament of the quality of the WebCore (and KHTML) engine and Apple’s UI design prowess. Safari has been consistently overall the fastest and most well-designed browser on the […]

Mac OS X Internals

Mac OS X took the unassimilated, thinking and computer-literate world by storm since its release on the 24th of March 2001. Its combination of commercial, high quality software applications, a state-of-the-art, ever-evolving and well thought out desktop environment and the solid Unix underpinnings that came with NeXT’s acquisition, gave it a significant part of its […]

Is Novell Really Selling Out?

Bruce Perens writes on the significance of the Microsoft-Novell agreement that was announced yesterday. While I do not agree with everything we writes (I found the article a bit excessive), it is a good article on the possible implications to Linux and Open Source in general this agreement might mean.

Integrating Skype and Asterisk — Revisited

A few months ago, I wrote about my findings on software solutions that can be used to integrate the popular proprietary VoIP softphone ‘Skype’ with the free, Open Source, SIP compliant PBX ‘Asterisk’, that’s been gaining momentum in the enterprise for the past few years. If you’re not familiar with both, but are interested, take […]

Microsoft Software EULA: You (don't) have the right to *

Horrendous EULA restrictions for the upcoming Vista. While EULAs are of arguable legal status in many countries, I'd like to believe that they might be enough to persuade some Windows users who respect their rights and are on the fence to switch to software without such ridiculously restricting licences.