Category Software

Java. Open. At last!

JCP was a move in the right direction. Open Sourcing Java is a huge leap forward and will hopefully breathe new life into the platform. However, I do hope that someone, be it Sun or a Java Foundation will retain control and prevent Java from losing the edge due to endless debates and lack of focus.

Back from the abyss.

Okay, I’m almost done with this paper that I’ve been writing for a few weeks. Deadline is tomorrow morning, I think I’ll send it in later tonight. A whole lot of things to talk about though. Why .Mac could have been great I just ended my subscription to .Mac. No, I am not rich, and […]

Is 2007 going to be nice to Linux?

Linux on the desktop has come a long way and for a significant number of desktop uses (e.g. secretarial work, enterprise desktop, among others) it is a cheap, viable, high quality and usable platform. For many years there was a considerable difference in the multimedia, graphics and user-friendly feature support between Windows/OS X and linux. […]

Tim Schafer's reunion with the musicians.

I just visited Tim Schafer’s DoubleFine news page and read about the Video Game Live concert that took place on the 21st of September 2006. The fact that the concert was somewhere in the Western U.S. — most probably California — made any prospect of me attending extremely remote, but still it would have been […]

Guitar Rig 2

When Native Instruments first announced Guitar Rig in June 2004, I more or less dismissed it straight away as yet another failed attempt towards the holy grail of software amp/fx modelling. I took the animated NI executive’s enthousiastic presentation at Apple’s WWDC as the archetypal marketing talk, and I obviously didn’t get a feel for […]

Development, Evolved.

In ‘Cosmiblog’, the previous incarnation of my blog (2001-2005), I had written several times about how the Computing industry, as manifested through the development of operating systems, applications, hardware, is stuck in a vicious circle of pointless-reinvention very occasionally disturbed by massive paradigm shifts originating either from brilliant startups or industry leaders aiming to maximise […]

Mel didn't approve of compilers…

I remember reading this in my first year at university. 'Lest a Whole New Generation of programmers Grow up in Ignorance of this Glorious Past...'