The Nu Nukular Policy?

"the Bush administration has 'increased clandestine activities inside Iran and intensified planning for a possible major air attack,' including the use of nuclear, bunker-busting bombs" More: BBC


Το 73% των Ελλήνων δεν έχει χρησιμοποιήσει ποτέ το Διαδίκτυο. [σελ. 3]


Funny, yet useless application of the SMS (Sudden Motion Sensor) and Apple Remote as found on the new Macbook Pro.

Macbook Pro Revisions.

If you're getting a MacBook Pro, make sure its serial number begins with W8612 (Rev.E). If not, I hope you are not getting burnt among other things..

Removing Oil/Grease Stains from books.

Alas, I managed to stain one of my books as it was sitting close to me while I was eating. I hate this when it happens (it has happened once or twice in the past), and I tried to find a way to clean the book. has this useful tip: Tip: Removing Oily Stains […]

Scaling Rails

Interesting article on scaling a Ruby On Rails setup. Also parts [2] and [3]. Kudos to the guys for sharing.