Robot Guitar ('Someone Kill The Marketing People')

Android is out and it seems pretty well designed. This is the first of what’s hopefully going to be a series of articles covering Android from It’s also going to be the least technical in nature as I haven’t had much time to play around with it and also because introductions should rarely be […]
Διάβασα πρόσφατα στο ένα μpost-ερώτηση σχετικά με το εαν παρατηρείται ευρέως ένα φαινόμενο ‘κόπωσης’ στον χώρο των blogs και μου έδωσε την αφορμή για να γράψω κάποιες από τις σκέψεις μου πάνω στο θέμα. Η εκθετική αύξηση του αριθμού των ελληνικών blogs (άνω των 20,000 μέσα σε έναν χρόνο) δίνει μια πρώτη ιδέα σχετικά […]
Last month I wrote about my woes with the Gizmo Project, up until then one of my VoIP providers of choice. Days after the post was published I was contacted by one of the company’s engineers/support employee who apologised for the PayPal payment issues the company was facing and wanted to find out more about […]