Category Technology

Bing and OpenStreetMap

Bing, Microsoft’s portal/search/mapping service has announced that they will start providing OpenStreetMap (OSM) data, as an optional layer, in Bing Maps. OSM data will be downloaded from Microsoft’s fast Azure CDN, as opposed to OSM’s ‘slow’ servers. Now, there’s nothing wrong with Microsoft using OpenStreetMap data. That’s why it’s Open. But then again, I am […]

Kindle and Parochial Thinking.

A few days ago Amazon presented the new Kindle and started taking pre-orders for the device. On the frontpage of both and, Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of the company made the announcement in typical Amazon fashion. I always liked the Kindle, but was — for a long time — convinced that […]

Nokia. A Company in Denial.

Arrogant. Disoriented. Unfocused. Accurate characterisations of Nokia? Perhaps. Still, who'd have thought in the early 2000s that the market leader of mobile phones, one of the most innovative companies in its field that owned the European market would be the dying king of the 2010s; high volume sales of silly feature phones, low profit margins, a chaotic software ecosystem, little to no mindshare in the most important, lucrative segments. Perpetually in denial about its ageing Symbian stack, its schizophrenic Maemo/Meego stack, its unstable, ever-changing APIs and the amateurish, mediocre, unpolished user-experience its products provide. So many unappealing devices. A nervous acquisition of Navteq in 2008 for $8.1bn upon that the company never capitalised, while Google and Tomtom keep offering less while gaining so much more from their users (e.g. Ovi Maps has had free navigation for a while and no one seems to care). Its repeated failed attempts to create a mobile service ecosystem/platform (n-gage, MOSH and now Ovi). Prediction: With the N8 not being out until later this year and already looking like a device that should've been out in 2009, Nokia's future certainly looks bleaker than it thinks. Unless it wakes up, ditches Symbian for good and makes Meego something more than the mickey-mouse platform it currently is soon, I can't see how it will ever manage to compete with the super-polished iOS or the lightspeed-evolving Android. (The verdict is still out on Windows Phone 7)

Rails3 Critique Tidbit: html_safe, raw() and h.

One of the most annoying thing with Rails has always been how it provides for convenience at the expense of uncertain (and sometimes shady) abstraction implementations. It's a great framework for prototyping, yet there are reasons why quite a few people are skeptical about it. Nevertheless, in the truest tradition of Ruby, Rails provides a pretty clean way to do web application development. Rails 3, the latest incarnation of the framework builds upon a solid foundation, offering great improvements in many areas. But not everywhere. Take for example the html_safe string escaping that supersedes 'h'. In Rails 3, all input strings are automatically escaped, unless the developer passes the string through raw() before the string. That's fine, as it's bound to make sloppy developers safer by forcing them to go out of their way to leave the string unescaped. One of the issues with this, however, is how the old way of escaping, 'h', is still around in some cases: say when you want to render a link using link_to and you use raw to provide formatting to your link (via span) and include some part of user provided input (as found in the example provided in the xss and scripting screencast at 02:20), then you have to resort --- once again --- to using 'h'. This is confusing and inconsistent; if all strings are automatically escaped, you'd expect input variables to be automatically escaped too, even if included in strings using raw().

A Mobile Phone. An Internet Communicator. An iPod. Great Design, Bad Engineering

When Steve Jobs announced the iPhone 4, admittedly a jaw dropping design of a mobile device, he talked about its antenna, part of the chassis of the device, calling it ‘really cool engineering’. What Steve Jobs, meant to say was ‘great design’, for the iPhone 4 antennæ are likely one of the worst engineering examples […]

DVB-T στην Ελλάδα. 51 μήνες αργότερα.

Τις τελευταίες δυο ημέρες έχουν αρχίσει οι μεταμεσονύχτιες ‘δοκιμαστικές’ προβολές της Digea, της εταιρίας-φορέα που έχουν, από κοινού, συστήσει τα εθνικής εμβέλειας ιδιωτικά κανάλια για την ψηφιακή εκπομπή τους. Δοκιμαστικές διότι επισήμως οι εκπομπή του ψηφιακού σήματος των ιδιωτικών καναλιών ξεκινά την ερχόμενη Παρασκευή, 18 Ιουνίου, περίπου 51 μήνες μετά την έναρξη εκπομπής ψηφιακού σήματος […]

Δύο μήνες με το Android

Το οτι το Android αποτελεί βασικό στόχο στην ανάπτυξη τόσο του AthensBook όσο και του GEO|ADS είναι κάτι που δεν έχουμε κρύψει, εδώ και αρκετούς μήνες. Ετσι, στις αρχές του περασμενου Απρίλη, επενδύσαμε σε ένα HTC Desire, μια συσκευή που βρίσκεται κοντά στην κορυφή της αγοράς γα τη συγκεκριμένη πλατφόρμα και παρέχει πλήθος δυνατοτήτων που […]

Bye bye C4

I came to know of C4 after finding online videos from some of the talks there in 2007. Living in an — almost bankrupt financially, intellectually and creatively — land, the C4 videos brought a glitter of hope; like Google Video lectures, Microsoft’s MURL (now ResearchChannel), C4 presented a community, a world so rare in […]

Android, the HTC Desire and Localisation.

Having recently stepped up our efforts to provide an Android version of AthensBook before the end Summer 2010, I’ve acquired an HTC Desire, the flagship Android phone from HTC, featuring the latest Sense UI, impressive hardware specs and a gorgeous display. Sadly, while Android is a much more ‘open’ and an extremely fascinating platform (for […]

Guitar Rig 4

Two years after Guitar Rig 3 was released in autumn 2007, the fourth iteration of the software modelling application for guitarists was released by Native Instruments. This time around a combination of an ever increasing workload, little free time and the fact that Guitar Rig 3 was ‘good enough’ for my needs meant it took […]