That Jetson's-style robot…

Nope, this post is not about robots or cartoons, but about the absurdity of dealing with a tel-co in the States (it's the same if not worse here). Few things are more universal than corporate idiocy and incompetence of the highest level, it seems and Steven's writing is hilarious. =)

Inside Job (2010)

The Inside Job is a documentary like few of its contemporaries: mainstream and accessible enough to win an Academy Award, yet sharp, piercing and well-researched enough to actually convince even the most sceptical among the viewers. This is a film narrated by an A-list hollywood star, Matt Damon, that dares to shred the current global […]

Palm's Comeback

Jon Rubinstein is no stranger to success. He was the engineer that architected the iPod, Apple’s single most successful product for years, until the iPhone was released in 2007. After more than fifteen years working with Steve Jobs, Jon Rubinstein left Apple in 2006. Around ten years earlier he had returned to the company with […]

Divergent Thinking

With the occasion of the University of Cambridge planning to raise the tuition fees to home/EU students to £9K/year, and the increasingly flawed, purely economics-based view of education, here's another one of the RSAnimate sketches, based on a lecture by (Sir) Ken Robinson.

Google Art Project

Amazing work by Google, I hope it expands to other great museums all over the globe.

Fingers & Maschine = Groovy.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I would've never have believed this came from a human messing with a pad. What you can't see from this video is the volume pedal that Haynes typically uses, which takes dynamics to another level, nevertheless this is insanely good.