Αδεσμοποίητος Βρογχος και Downtime.

Προ 40 περίπου ημερών δημοσιεύθηκε στο ΦΕΚ (620/Β/25-4-2007) η απόφαση της ΕΕΤΤ σχετικά με την Προσφορά Αναφοράς (RUO) του ΟΤΕ για την διάθεση LLU γραμμών. Ένα από τα σημαντικότερα σημεία του RUO, το οποίο έχω καλύψει και παλαιότερα είναι η ρύθμιση της διαδικασίας μετάβασης μεταξύ ΟΤΕ και άλλων παροχέων στις περιπτώσεις χονδρικής προς πλήρη ή […]

Microsoft Surface

Microsoft enters the multi-touch world with Surface. And what a pleasant surprise that is! The wireless interaction with objects placed on the 'table' is fantastic news and a true innovation as far as a finished product is concerned. Seeing the Microsoft promotional videos as well as the Popular Mechanics video embedded below I wonder what this will mean to companies like Wacom (and how they are going to respond to this) and to the many thousands of digital artists that will, sooner or later, get this amazing technology on their desks and workstations. Its exhilarating to see a company of this size (and reputation) accelerate the proliferation of such amazing technology, spur competition and lower the cost. At last something truly impressive from Redmond!

Sponsored by the US

Just yesterday evening I was watching a speech by Reese Elrich about the United States and Iran. During the speech (which is quite good) he describes — although he does not present any proof; that’s hopefully going to be part of his similarly titled upcoming book on the subject — how the United States essentially […]

Hey, where's the GPS support, Google?

Google EarthIt was just brought to my attention that Google Earth Plus for Linux does not have any support for GPS devices whatsoever, despite this being one of its main selling points over the free version. Google advertises the four variants of its Google Earth product range (Free, Plus, Pro and EC) without making any differentiating remarks for the Linux, Mac OS X or Windows ports. There is no mention of this either on the GE product page or its help centre. A potential customer would almost certainly expect this feature to be present in all three versions of the software and as such misled by the product presentation by Google.

Hellenic Reverse Directory Lookup Widget

Επειδή τυχαίνει κατα καιρούς να δέχομαι κλήσεις από αγνώστους και καθώς ο δικτυακός τόπος του τηλεφωνικού καταλόγου του ΟΤΕ δεν είναι ό,τι καλύτερο, έφτιαξα ενα Dashboard Widget ώστε να μην χρειάζεται να κάνω βόλτες στο www.whitepages.gr. Καθώς το χρησιμοποιώ αρκετά είπα να το βγάλω προς τα έξω μήπως φανεί χρήσιμο και σε άλλους έλληνες macheads. […]


This is a site dedicated to stop-motion animated movies of Lego. Amazing stuff :)