Category Art

Objectified (2009)

Having seen Helvetica, I can't wait for Objectified to come out in a few months time. If you're one of those enjoying (industrial) design, appreciating usability, but demanding æsthetics, this movie is probably for you too. Sadly, I doubt it's going to be in any cinemas in Hellas, given that there aren't any arthouse movie theatres around here, really.

An ISP is not a court.

The saga continues, with the music industry attempting to subvert the law in Europe and turn ISPs into policy enforcers and courts of law all at once. With ever higher profits in 2008, and a pretty grim record of accusing and prosecuting the elderly, single mothers with no computers etc. in the States, it seems like the music industry would rather hand the dirty job over to ISPs. This is, besides illegal, pretty prone to error --- as history has shown. I'm really looking forward to the next settlement Eircom will reach, this time with wrongly-accused (and disconnected) individuals. Hopefully it'll be more than enough to compensate for their stupidity.

A Dotted-Zero Droid Sans Mono

For the programmers out there. Now that the controversy regarding the licence of the Droid font family included in Android is over --- and it's clear that the fonts are licensed under the Apache licence --- I am releasing a dotted version of the Droid Sans Mono, monospaced font that I am using for development (usually its either that or Liberation Mono nowadays). I prefer the dotted zero to a slashed zero in most monospaced fonts. More information can be found in the software page. I used FontForge to edit the font, so --- since some of the hinting instructions are not supported by this application --- I've scraped them and used the built-in autohinter. If you wish to use the modified font, they are --- of course --- also provided under the Apache licence, like the original. As always, your comments are very welcome.

Waltz with Bashir (2008)

Το περασμένο Σάββατο ήταν ημέρα κινηματογράφου και, έχωντας πρόσφατα δει τους Τρείς Πιθήκους, μια σαφώς υπερτιμημένη, πλην όμως αρκετά καλή ταινία, επισκεφθήκαμε τον Δαναό για την προβολή του ‘Βάλς με τον Μπασίρ’, μια από τις λίγες ταινίες που αξίζει να δείτε στους ελληνικούς κινηματογράφους αυτή την εποχή. Το ‘βαλς’ επιχειρεί μια ιδιαίτερα πρωτότυπη προσέγγιση ενός […]

Myspace sans Indie music? Dead.

Heh, if that article is even slightly accurate, I'd be very surprised if Myspace didn't try to do everything in its power to satisfy indie labels and bands. Without them it stands no chance of surviving. None at all, even if it had all four major music megacorps behind it. The competition is so much better and Myspace is mediocre if not poor an implementation.

Taking over Hollywood

It may be the case that the Red One camera has been around for a while, but it's only lately that some of Hollywood's leading directors have started to use and promote it. And that's only three years after the company was established and less than six months since the camera has been available to the general public (although apparently there's a considerable backlog before you can get your own Red, even if you're willing to spend the $17,500 it costs to buy). After Soderberg, a known fan of digital technology and longtime user of digital video along with or instead of film, Doug Liman jumps on the Red bandwagon and talks about the camera and how its changed the way he films.
Wired had a great article on the Red recently. You can find more clips from Red (at 720p) on the Vimeo Redusers group.

Remembering WarGames.

Back in April I wrote a short post on how Hollywood is royally screwing the classics by remaking them, using WarGames and 'The Dead Code' as an example. I guess this means I shouldn't be repeating myself, but it turns out Wired has a pretty cool tribute on the film that I think is worth pointing to. After all, this is a movie that shaped many of my generation's 'hackers', so if you're ever into WarGames or the early hacking culture, it's worth a read.

Tales of Bad Design: The new Ionising Radiation symbol.

In February 2007, ISO and the IAEA created a new symbol for Ionising Radiation that complements (see “partially replaces”) the classic trefoil that’s been in use for more than sixty years. The new symbol is a red triangle with a black border that contains the trefoil, a number of jagged edges emanating from it and […]