Punk Goes 80s and snowy Athens.

I just stumbled across this record, Punk Goes 80s. As an 80s kid I’ve got an inexplicable affection for 80s music/{sub-}culture, despite the kitsch-factor occasionally found therein. It’s not actually liking 80s music, as older people often do, definitely not disliking it, as younger people often do, it’s a strange feeling. There’s something charming about […]


I’ve been meaning to release Pyxis for a long time now. It’s a small GPS application for the Mac, ‘dripping with Aqua beauty’, [other apple-like marketing crap here], fully functioning and quite polished, but there are several things that keep me from releasing it.

Junkyard downloads

We have started making available tracks from In The Junkyard Volume 1 for download.